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Help! My Dental Veneer Came Loose! Don’t Panic, Here’s What to Do

January 16, 2024

Man panicked after losing his dental veneer

Many patients have found themselves in the compromising position of losing a dental veneer. Sometimes they’re crunching on some ice (a no-no). Other times they may have slipped and bumped it against something. Whatever the reason for the dislodgement, you’ll need a plan to get it back together. Read on to learn how to replace your dental veneer if it ever comes loose.

1. Don’t Panic!

Discovering that your veneer has come loose can be alarming, but it’s important to stay calm. Remember that this situation is manageable, and there are definitive steps you can take to address it.

2. Find the Veneer

If your veneer has fallen off completely, try to find it as soon as possible. Handle the veneer carefully and avoid bending or squeezing as it will help preserve its integrity.

3. Assess the Damage and Call Your Dentist

Check the veneer and the affected tooth to figure out the extent of the damage. If the veneer is intact and undamaged, it may be possible to reattach it. However, if the veneer is cracked or broken, it will likely need to be replaced.

Either way, you’ll need to call your dentist and schedule an appointment. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, be sure to communicate that. Your dentist may be able to move up your scheduled time.

4. Clean the Veneer and Tooth

Gently rinse the veneer and the surface of the tooth with lukewarm water to remove any debris or residue. Avoid using abrasive toothpaste or aggressive brushing, as this could damage the veneer or the exposed tooth.

5. Temporary Relief

It’s important to store your veneer and leave the reattachment process to your dentist. However, if you’re in pain due to sensitivity, you could use a thin layer of dental wax as temporary relief. Just take a small amount and spread it over the surface of the affected tooth.

6. At Your Appointment

Once you see your dentist, they’ll examine your tooth and the fallen veneer. If they believe they can reattach it, they’ll do so. Otherwise, they may need to provide a temporary veneer while they have a new one fabricated for you. Either way, your smile will soon be restored, and the crisis averted.

Knowing what to do when your veneer falls out will help you stay calm and get your smile back quickly. By keeping your cool and following these steps, you can address the issue with confidence and get back to what matters most: living your life in comfort.

About the Practice

If you’re panicking about the state of your veneers, come into Baytown Gentle Dental to see Dr. Ashraf Seif. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Ashraf uses proven dental technology and techniques to restore smiles to better-than-new. He currently holds two dentistry degrees from the Lattakia University Dental School in Syria and the Loma Linda School of Dentistry. Call (281) 837-9122 to schedule a denture consultation or visit the website to browse other treatments they offer.