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How Vitamin D Helps Dental Implants Succeed

April 12, 2024

Chalkboard reading “vitamin D” surrounded by foods rich in vitamin D

Are you planning to have dental implants placed in the near future? The procedure has a very high rate of success, but for the sake of your smile, you’ll naturally want to take any steps you can to minimize the risk of failure. One thing you can do is consider the state of your nutrition. Are you getting plenty of vitamin D? Here’s why the answer to this question could make all the difference for your dental implants.

The Link Between Vitamin D and Dental Implants

Once dental implants have been inserted into your jaw, a process known as osseointegration will begin. This is where the implant posts gradually fuse with the surrounding bone tissue, effectively becoming part of your jaw. The bond between the implants and the bone is critical for the success of your new smile.

Where does vitamin D come in? Simply put, it is what allows your body to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the various foods you eat. These nutrients are crucial when it comes to the growth of new bone – which is a key aspect of the osseointegration process. If you aren’t getting enough vitamin D, it will ultimately be harder for your body to grow new bone tissue, and that can increase your risk for dental implant failure.

On top of that, vitamin D can help improve the health of your gums, improving their protection against the harmful oral bacteria that cause gum disease. This means you will be less likely to suffer from a gum infection that could put your dental implants at risk.

How to Get More Vitamin D

So how can you make sure you’re getting plenty of vitamin D? For one thing, you can spend a bit more time outside. UV light can encourage your body to create vitamin D out of cholesterol. Of course, spending too much time in the sun can come with its own health risks. In general, about 20 minutes of sun exposure should be enough to fulfill your vitamin D needs.

Of course, you can also get vitamin D from various foods. Fatty fish and dairy products tend to be the best sources of this nutrient. Remember, once your dental implants have been placed, you will need to stick to a diet of soft foods for a while; keep that in mind when planning your meals to get the nutrition your body requires for successful osseointegration.

Finally, there’s the option of taking a supplement. This can be especially helpful if you’re deficient in vitamin D. Of course, you should speak to your doctor before starting on supplements of any kind.

In short, if you’re planning on rebuilding your smile with dental implants, then getting plenty of vitamin D is of the utmost importance. Want to know if there are any other steps you can take to maximize the chances of a successful dental implant procedure? Talk to your dentist to see what they recommend.

About the Author

Dr. Ashraf Seif has more than two decades of dental experience. He went to the prestigious Pikos Institute, where he received training in dental implants. He’s able to provide start-to-finish dental implant treatments at his practice, Baytown Gentle Dental. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Seif, visit his website or call (281) 837-9122.