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How Dentures Have Changed Throughout Time

September 15, 2023

Gloved hands polishing denturePresident George Washington wasn’t the first person to benefit from dentures. They’ve been used for centuries to replace missing teeth, but they’ve changed a lot over years. Now, they look and feel more natural than ever before, but this wasn’t always the case. Here’s how they’ve evolved throughout time to provide the most realistic results.

Early Tooth Replacement Techniques

The Etruscans of 700 BC used human and animal teeth bound together with gold wires to replace missing teeth. Although they had aesthetic benefits, they weren’t functional for eating. Animal teeth were the go-to solution for centuries until the Ancient Mayans began using carved stones, bone, and seashells. They hammered the objects into jawbones, which was the earliest form of a dental implant. 

The Japanese are credited for creating the first full denture using wood. You’ve probably heard that President Washington had a wooden set of chompers, but this is untrue. His prosthetics were carved from ivory, which held human, horse, and donkey teeth. Although ivory was the standard for decades, it was uncomfortable and expensive. Not to mention, ivory also had an unpleasant odor.

Introduction of Modern Dentures

During the 1800s, beautiful smiles were in high demand because they were attributed with success. This changed the way dentures were made. Human teeth were highly sought. They were extracted from criminals and the poor to keep up with the denture demand. They were also extracted from the dead after the Battle of Waterloo.

Thankfully, this trend didn’t last forever. In 1774, the first pair of porcelain dentures was introduced. However, porcelain chipped easily, so they were held together using gold plates. Although the method remains unchanged, new materials and technologies allow dentures to closely function and feel like real teeth. 

Nowadays, dentures are made from an acrylic material. Advanced impression methods are used to create a precise fit for the base, which rests on top of the gums and is held in place using suction. Prosthetic teeth are carefully crafted to look natural.

Dental Implants Revolutionized Tooth Loss Treatment

Dentures are still a common solution to replace missing teeth, but they aren’t the only option. Dental implants revolutionized the treatment of missing teeth because they are the only method to recreate both the root and the crown. This creates the next best thing to real teeth.

Whether you’re missing one tooth, several teeth, or an entire arch, you have many options to fill the gaps in your smile. You can replace your lost teeth using the latest innovations in dentistry.

About Dr. Ashraf Seif

Dr. Seif earned his dental degree from Latakia University Dental School and has regularly continued his education to provide the most up-to-date solutions, like sedation dentistry. He is a proud member of many professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Request an appointment through his website or call (281) 957-6577.