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Torpor Truths: 3 Myths About Dental Sedation

August 3, 2024

Woman with dark hair with eyes open while dentist places nitrous oxide mask

Did you know that an estimated 36% of Americans experience anxiety when it comes to dental appointments? In fact, some people are so scared that their fear keeps them from getting the essential care they need to maintain a happy, healthy smile.

You might hesitate to schedule a checkup or undergo a more complex procedure when you’re overwhelmed with worry. Your dentist can provide sedatives to help you feel more relaxed throughout your visit, but unfortunately, many patients refuse these services because they have a false understanding of what’s involved. Continue reading to learn about three common myths about dental sedation and the truths behind them so you can set your concerns aside!


Should I Ask My Dentist for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

June 17, 2024

Close up of woman receiving mask for nitrous oxide sedation

Nearly 40% of Americans struggle with the idea of going to the dentist. This could be for various reasons, like general anxiety or concern about discomfort. Regardless of why you and plenty of others are nervous about dental visits, a statistic like that can’t be ignored. Nowadays, dentists fortunately have the means to help patients feel calm and comfortable during their treatments.

Nitrous oxide sedation is one such solution, but it’s not for everyone. Keep reading to find out whether it’s worth asking your dentist about.


Can You Receive Dental Sedation While Pregnant?

June 5, 2024

patient speaking with dentist about dental sedation while pregnant

Pregnancy is a busy time filled with many tasks, from setting up the nursery to attending medical appointments and preparing for the baby’s arrival. Amidst all this, dental care can often be overlooked, yet it’s vital to maintain your oral health. Visiting the dentist during pregnancy is not only safe but also advisable. However, you might wonder about the safety of dental sedation during this period. Continue reading to learn if dental sedation is a secure option for expectant mothers.


Will Teeth Grinding Break a Dental Implant?

May 3, 2024

Man grinding teeth

Dental implants are an investment. And not only in terms of money – the recovery process can be quite lengthy. It makes sense that you would want them to last as long as possible. These replacements are known for their durability, but if you’re thinking ahead, you might be wondering if certain dental habits could wear them down faster. Specifically, you’re worried about your teeth grinding or clenching.

It’s a valid concern. Whether you’re doing it consciously or unconsciously, exerting extra pressure on your teeth can affect dental implants. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get them. Keep reading to learn what you can do.


How Vitamin D Helps Dental Implants Succeed

April 12, 2024

Chalkboard reading “vitamin D” surrounded by foods rich in vitamin D

Are you planning to have dental implants placed in the near future? The procedure has a very high rate of success, but for the sake of your smile, you’ll naturally want to take any steps you can to minimize the risk of failure. One thing you can do is consider the state of your nutrition. Are you getting plenty of vitamin D? Here’s why the answer to this question could make all the difference for your dental implants.


Why Attach Dentures to Dental Implants?

March 8, 2024

Illustration of dentures and dental implants for upper arch

Traditional dentures make it possible to replace multiple missing teeth at once, thus making it easier to chew, speak, and perform other everyday tasks. But what if your dentures are attached to dental implants? This combination could end up making more of a difference than you realize. By reading on, you can discover the many advantages you can enjoy by choosing implant dentures.


Should You Get Teeth Whitening or Veneers?

February 7, 2024

person wondering how to whiten their smile

In the United States, most people – about 80% of them – want to achieve whiter teeth. If you’re one of them, your cosmetic dentist can help you reach your desired results. They offer treatments like porcelain veneers as well as teeth whitening treatments to brighten your pearly whites. Keep reading as we explain why teeth become discolored and help you choose the best option for you.


Help! My Dental Veneer Came Loose! Don’t Panic, Here’s What to Do

January 16, 2024

Man panicked after losing his dental veneer

Many patients have found themselves in the compromising position of losing a dental veneer. Sometimes they’re crunching on some ice (a no-no). Other times they may have slipped and bumped it against something. Whatever the reason for the dislodgement, you’ll need a plan to get it back together. Read on to learn how to replace your dental veneer if it ever comes loose.


How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Help You Progress in Your Career

December 7, 2023

person with nice smile at job interview

As time progresses and we gracefully embrace the changes that come with aging, our smiles too bear the marks of time. While it’s entirely natural, a smile that exhibits discoloration, gaps, misalignment, or damage can dampen your confidence. Cosmetic dentistry steps in to address these concerns through a variety of treatments that either conceal or rectify imperfections, potentially boosting your self-assurance and even influencing your career success. Keep reading to dive into the impact of cosmetic dentistry on your professional aspirations and explore the available treatments.


Caring Consideration: 4 Easy Tips to Maintain Your Dentures

November 14, 2023

A hand holding a glass of water containing dentures

Dentures have historically been the most popular solution to refurbish a mouth full of missing teeth. They can greatly enhance your quality of life by allowing you to eat and speak more like you did prior to tooth loss. That said, you wouldn’t want something to happen to them that could interfere with your rediscovered joy in friendly meals and conversation. For your dentures to remain effective, you need to care for them properly. If you’re not sure what that looks like, read on to learn 4 tips to keep them in prime condition!
