If you’re getting a dental implant soon, or have one already, you’ve probably heard about their many merits. Dental implants are remarkably durable, with 95% of them succeeding at 20 years, and many lasting as long as 30 if maintained well.
However, you may not know how to take care of a dental implant. You might even wonder if, like natural teeth, your dental implants can develop cavities if cared for improperly. Here’s what you ought to know about dental implants and tooth decay.
Can Dental Implants Get Cavities?
Most dental implants are made of a titanium metal post inserted into the jaw, and a porcelain crown placed on top of it. Both of these materials are remarkably durable, and neither of them should be prone to any kind of tooth decay.
What are Some Risks to Dental Implants?
While cavities shouldn’t be a problem for your dental implants, that doesn’t mean that they’re invincible. While tooth decay isn’t necessarily much of a issue, gum disease absolutely is; in fact, oral infection is the most common cause of dental implant failure.
In advanced cases, gum disease can begin to attack the jawbone that the dental implants are attached to, causing you to develop what’s known as peri-implantitis. If the damage is bad enough, you could potentially lose your dental implant.
How to Keep Dental Implants Healthy
If you want your dental implants to last for as long as possible, you need to maintain them properly, which fortunately isn’t all that difficult. In fact, caring for your dental implant won’t be all that different from maintaining your natural teeth. Just be sure to brush your teeth twice a day, floss your dental implant daily, and use an antiseptic mouthwash to prevent the buildup of bacteria.
When flossing, you should also be careful that you don’t break the fragile peri-implant seal that connects the dental implant to the gums. If you do, this could potentially allow bacteria to flow under the gum line, increasing your chances of developing an infection.
This, like every other aspect of caring for your dental implants, will become easier with time. Just keep these tips in mind, and your dental implant should be able to serve you for a long time to come!
About the Author
Dr. Ashraf Seif is a general dentist who has been in this field for over 20 years, and there’s nothing he loves more than being able to get his patients the healthcare that they need to ease their pain. Dr. Seif first began practicing dentistry in Syria before moving to the U.S., where he graduated from the Loma Linda School of Dentistry. He’s also received advanced education regarding dental implants from the prestigious Pikos Institute.
If you have any questions about caring for your dental implants, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (281) 837-9122.